ok so the party I told you about in my last post
went well...ok I think i didn't mention it was bowling
or did I...I won in the bowling :-).... The guy who the
party was for got third I think and when we went to the
game room i think he got something like a 500
ticket jackpot on the game. I did horrible in the game room
I think I got about 170 tickets in total :-( Anyways enough about the party
the sleepover I went to last night was really fun...Until night. Tman
started sleepwalking and talking and turning on and of the light,pinching me :-(
(to get up) I think he wanted to find a stuffey because he couldn't sleep with the thought
that he had lost in. Happy family day tomorrow! what are you going to do?
I forget what i'm doing:-/. (my mom's away for family day :-(. )
I just finished watching the amazing race whick is a racing around the world T.V. show.
I don't have much home to worry about so yay me! :-) my sister has alot though...:-)
(I put the smiley face on because i'm laughing she has so much) remember my sister's
blog? She hasn't posted in FOUR DAYS! she really isn't keeping up with posting!
if you don't rmember my sisters blog click here. so leave a comment they're
really really fun to read. Oh and some people say they don't know how to get to the commenting place... so to do that you have to click on the title of the post,scroll
down to the bottom of the screen and click the post a comment button.
1 comment:
I like your blog strummed pick. I think you don't get enough homework though! Sounds like your sleepover was fun. I visited your blog while i was in B.C.
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