Wednesday, February 11, 2009


AHHHH yahoomail is evil whenever you log in you get sent to "yahoo kids"
It stinks! I also hate the parental controls i'm so mad! `:-(


Anonymous said...

You have parental controls on yours? My dad wanted me to have parental controls on mine but he ended up forgetting so ya.

Anonymous said...

Hey StrummedPick.
I have a question. Since I have a blog now how do you get the little pics. I know your sis has a banana and you have a pizza slice. How did you get those? Oh and MY blog is anyone who saw that can go on it. I don't care.

StrummedPick said...

sry ANOTHER BLOGGER i'm trying to get your blog but it's not loading and to get the little pic you have to go to your profile and drag the picture in to the little pic spot

Emzers said...

ya i figured out how to