Monday, March 9, 2009

Hey Like the music

Anyone like the music on my blog?
I like that music and video alot. But the funny 
thing is im alergic to peanuts.So Time for suprise # 1
Well it's not really a suprise but now...You  can posts suggjustiens
for widgets on my blog. Yay How Exiting NOT.


Anonymous said...

hi why do you have peanut butter on your blog when your allergic see you soon bye

StrummedPick said...

Tman or Dgirl right?

Anonymous said...

I am neither i'm the fantom of poop

Anonymous said...

oookkkkkkk. I HATE that song. It's loud and annoying

Anonymous said...

it's t-man because he seems to like poop. i had an orange on the weekend in KITCHENER. we smushed it!
moihahahaha. emzers, i saw your blog!
^ ^ . .
. . .
. -
like my dog face and my other face.


Anonymous said...

ok, my faces on my last comment got really messed up

Anonymous said...

You saw it? How?